Posture Exercises for Good Alignment

Exercises for good posture go against what most people are automatically doing on their own.  Most patients are eager to strengthen their abs, core, pecs and spinal erector muscles.  However, the chronic effects of gravity coupled with a lack of a muscle to pull the spinal column backwards actually dictate a different set of muscles to be targeted for strengthening.  The video shows SIMPLE exercises, yet effective exercises for good posture, that can be done at home with minimal equipment.  If you do not have access to a Theraband, a stretchy rope is even better as it doesn’t dry out and rip.  Sporting goods stores have assortments of stretchy bands that offer different resistance depending on your ability.  Feel free to use hand weights or machines at your gym as well.

In today’s workforce we must simultaneously talk on the phone, type on the computer and take notes on a notepad. All of this multi tasking leads to stress and tension in our neck and upper back causing our postural alignment to suffer and imbalances in our muscular system. However, there are two exercises that can alleviate and possibly eliminate this particular pain and stress. Both of these exercises can be easily performed at your workspace.

The first exercise is rolling your shoulders forwards and backwards. To begin, sit or stand tall, drawing in your abdominals towards your spine then slowly roll your shoulders forward for 10 repetitions and then backwards. This exercise helps to loosen the muscles in your shoulders, helping to relieve tension in the upper back and neck.

The second exercise is pinching your shoulder blades together. Begin this exercise sitting or standing up straight and keeping your abdominals tight. Next, pull your shoulders back until you feel a squeeze between the shoulder blades then relax your shoulders and return to the starting position. Perform this exercise for 10 repetitions

Both of these exercises can be done several times throughout your workday and can greatly reduce pain and increase strength in your neck and upper back. (contributed by Liz Brown)

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