Bring Your Kids and Their Sports Injuries to Atlas!

Biking Injuries, Kids and Chiropractic, Healthy Kids

My New 6-Year-Old Wheels!

It’s finally getting warm enough to ride my new 6-year-old bike I got for my birthday!  I can pedal so much easier than on my older bike.  I even learned how to make skid marks by squeezing the brakes fast.  On Mother’s Day, we did our longest bike ride yet through Cherry Creek State Park.  We were almost home and I lost my balance and fell 😦  And the week before at school I fell on my head doing a handstand.  So Mommy gave me two adjustments because my neck was tight and so were my shoulders.  But I’m not afraid to ride my bike.  I learned how to pop off the curb without even falling.  It’s fun being a big 6 year-old!

Love, Sarah-bear